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Kingdom Man

Kingdom Man

By Dr. Tony Evans

The Kingdom Man by Dr. Tony Evans, is a well written book. It’s a recommended book for any man or young man who is a mature or young believer in Christ. Dr. Evan covers being a Kingdom Man with clarity. He uses his admiration for football and his personal testimony to give applicable meaning and instruction which can be carried out in the life of the believer.

The Bible is our source of God’s perspective. Dr. Evan is this book is able to provide a excellent contrast in spiritual truth and with the rules and regulations of American Football. Jesus taught in parables relevant to His day. Holy Spirit abides in us today and gives us wisdom to make God even more relevant in this age.

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Knowledge of the Holy

Knowledge of the Holy

By A.W. Towzer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus quis lectus metus, at posuere neque. Sed pharetra nibh eget orci convallis at posuere leo convallis. Sed blandit augue vitae augue scelerisque bibendum. Vivamus sit amet libero turpis, non venenatis urna. In blandit, odio convallis suscipit venenatis, ante ipsum cursus augue.

Et mollis nunc diam eget sapien. Nulla facilisi. Etiam feugiat imperdiet rhoncus. Sed suscipit bibendum enim, sed volutpat tortor malesuada non. Morbi fringilla dui non purus porttitor mattis. Suspendisse quis vulputate risus. Phasellus erat velit, sagittis sed varius volutpat, placerat nec urna. Nam eu metus vitae dolor fringilla feugiat. Nulla.

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[blockquote type="blockquote_quotes" align="center"]While the most dangerous person in the world is a person with nothing to lose, the most powerful person in the world is a person with nothing to prove.[/blockquote]
[blockquote type="blockquote_quotes" align="center"]As a believer, it is better to see oneself as a small part of the whole then to see self as set apart in calling. It is more fruitful to be one of many than to determine to be unique in prominence before others. Bitterness and disappointment awaits the believer who majors on their own destiny instead of focusing on steadfastness in small things and rejoicing in the destiny of the whole. It is better to live before the eyes of Jesus, where our uniqueness is seen and then just blend in with the whole in the eyes of the brethren. Beautiful is the body of Christ. - Misty Edwards[/blockquote]
[blockquote type="blockquote_quotes" align="center"]"God is the most interesting Person in the universe and we get bored with Him. We are not that interesting yet He is never bored with us"- MB "Dependence on God and abiding is more than a state of mind, it is a conversation with Him." Mike Bickle[/blockquote]
[blockquote type="blockquote_quotes" align="center"]If you do not have clear goals for your life, you are forever condemned to working for those who do.[/blockquote]
[blockquote type="blockquote_quotes" align="center"]At the end of the day never fight for any ones approval because no one in this world had to approve for you to be here, except GOD.[/blockquote]