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Jesus’ Approach to Discipleship

Jesus’ Approach to Discipleship

Jesus’ method of discipleship was hands-on. It takes confidence and trust to do discipleship as Jesus did it.

Observations of Jesus’ Approach

He recruited regular untrained men.
A number of His first disciples were fisherman and one was a tax collector. Jesus even went as far as to say, “you cannot put new wine in old wineskins.”
On-site training
When Jesus called the disciples, they didn’t have a class. Everyday life and circumstances were their classrooms, unlike the Pharisees who had their study sessions, etc. Jesus said, “foxes have holes, but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head.”
Jesus immediately transferred authority and power to the disciples. The 72 disciples came back in awe of the power they had over demons etc.
The disciples were always together as a group. With Jesus instructing them

The aspect of Jesus’ ministry that interests me is the release of power and authority. The disciples were never trained in deliverance. They never took a class. Jesus gave them instructions and told them to go and they went.
Jesus was given the Holy Spirit without measure. He was God incarnate. Yet, He did have the need to control every disciple or hoard His spiritual power. Jesus released it right away.

In my opinion, as men, we need room to grow and learn. God gives us authority and set of free to become who we want to be. The first disciples did not become apostles in a safety net. We are not living in the same time frame, however, the principles remain the same. Relinquish authority to others. It takes trust. That’s what God did with Adam and Eve. He didn’t run to Adam and Eve and say straight away, “don’t listen to the serpent.”

We are all made in the image of God and we all need a sphere of influence to operate. Because of the fall of man, man has wanted to control everything including other men, but that was not God’s intent. Each person is made with unique traits and gifts specific for their purpose and place in the world. God’s intent is harmony.

Yes, there is authority. God’s authority is without oppression and misuse. Jesus said, ‘as the Father has given you a Kingdom, so I give you a Kingdom.’ In God’s Kingdom, he nurtures everything to grow and bear fruit. So shall it be in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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