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Rend Collective

Rend Collective

God is at it again! The Irish Gospel sound. God is so much fun. This group and album is Awesome!!! Listen to the video testimony below.



There was something uncanny in this song.”Boldly I Approach (The Art Of Celebration)”. A freedom bell rang in my soul when I heard and I had to search it out! It moved be because The Words Art of Celebration mean worship to me. It was a remmah word a now word, It was taking the old and making it new again, As David said sing a new song to the Lord. These are fresh expressions pf God’s love and grace. Hey there is no religion in this relationship with God through Jesus. There is no behind the veil sorry Juanita. Jesus in His death tore it up real bad. There priest could just walk in after. There was nothing more to hide. The truth of God’s love was revealed in Christ, hence the Art of Celebration. Ain’t that something!?

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